At Truthroots, it is our goal to help people find inner peace, relaxation, and balance so that they may continue to grow and move forward in their lives. Our clients will obtain new skills in managing their issues and healing themselves mind, body, and spirit. “We already have the power inside all of us to heal ourselves; sometimes we just need a guide to seek it out!”
Have you tried counseling, but are still having issues? Have you taken or are taking medications, but still not experiencing any relief from symptoms? Do you feel sad or “down in the dumps” often? Do you have a habit you can’t seem to break no matter what you try? Do you have feeling of overwhelm and stress? Racing thoughts you can’t seem to shut off? Do you dwell upon past events?
Have you tried to diet or exercise to lose weight, but just cannot seem to stick with it?
Have you experienced emotional and/or physical traumas that are still haunting you?
Do you have Nagging aches and pains that haven’t been relieved with traditional treatments?
Do you own a pet with any of these issues listed above?
Feel like you don’t know who you are?
Gender identity questions?
Sexual orientation confusion?
We can help you find the relief you are looking for to move past these limitations and issues.
We can assist you in releasing old patterns of thinking, feeling, behaving and even eating! A balance of the mind, body and spirit is required for total health and wellness! Each of these three areas of a person must be addressed in unison, for ultimate success!
Get the results you have been striving for faster than you have been experiencing.
In conjunction with traditional counseling, I may use Reiki and Emotion Code.
Let me help guide the way.
check out my videos on youtube!