Meet Our Practitioners

I am Teresa Blackburn, Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC).  I received a Master’s in Professional Counseling from Carlow University in Pittsburgh, PA  and attained a Bachelor’s in Mental Health/Human Services from Franciscan University.  I studied and became a Reiki Master/Teacher under Bonnie Hassan and I now practice and teach Reiki in the PA, OH, & WV.  I am also a Certified Emotion Code practitioner under Dr. Bradley Nelson, and am a Certified Relationship Coach through Lee and Sherry Patterson.  As a bonus, I am a certified Personal Trainer.

It is important to me that energy therapies like Reiki , Emotion Code  and Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT) be utilized in conjunction with traditional psychotherapy.  I came to this belief as a result of my own experience.  For years I attended traditional counseling and attempted to move past my own issues of anxiety and stress.  I could only make progress to a certain point, but I still felt stuck! I was working on my Master’s degree and realized that I needed to find a way to free myself from subconscious programming, trauma and negative beliefs.  In 2012, I decided to see yet another therapist, but this person was very open to new therapies.  She introduced me to Emotional Freedom therapy and soon after gave me a number to call for an Emotion Code practitioner.  I was skeptical, but I was open to change.  I was astonished and relieved to find that some alternative therapies were exactly what I had been needing to get past the stuck points, and to experience real change!  I made the decision to receive training in these alternative therapies and use them in conjunction with traditional psychotherapeutic techniques to help others!

In therapy, I address the mind, body, and spirit of a person.  Not just simply the mental part of the person.

Click here to contact me for a session.

I am Marlena Piergallini, or Marlee for short. I received my bachelors in management in 2018. I’ve been unknowingly practicing energy work since then, and went on to study Reiki. I am going through a huge spiritual enlightenment at the moment, and it has been the most magical experience and I am infinitely grateful for it.

I’ve always had a passion for people- and seeing or bringing out the light in them. In the past I’ve fulfilled my desire to help others by being a people pleaser. I recognized that I was doing it- and it wasn’t a good thing. I took the proper steps to care for myself- putting my needs and wants first- and what do you know, following my heart and deleting old programmed beliefs allowed me to help others in a pure, and balanced way. The intention was there, but the boundaries weren’t.

Now, the light I experienced radiating from my finger tips all my life, can be shared- because I’m confident in myself and my ability to help others on their healing journeys. Spreading my love to others is a lot easier when I’m able to show it towards myself. My goal, is to help you feel the same or better!

I I hope you’ll consider booking a Reiki session with me soon!