Tag Archives: reiki pittsburgh pa

Chakra Healing – The Root Chakra

chakra healingWhat is a chakra? Well, the word itself means disk, or wheel and has a Sanskrit origin.  There are seven main chakras in the human body.  They begin at the base of the spine, and continue to the top of the head or crown.  Each major chakra is a center of spinning energy which may be spinning in different directions.

Each chakra is named after the area of the body that it covers: the root chakra, the sacral chakra, the solar plexus chakra, the heart chakra, the throat chakra, the third eye chakra, and the crown chakra.

Each chakra can influence the organs of the body that are close in proximity, but also can influence the muscles, ligaments, and all other body parts within its energy field.  Chakras may also affect your psychological and spiritual health.  There are also colors associated with the chakras.  Light and color move through them and may change colors while spinning, but there are colors that typically correspond with each chakra.

In this blog post, I will be focusing on the first chakra, the root chakra.

The Root Chakra- Effects

It is said that red is the color of the root chakra, and it is located at the base of the spine.  The root chakra influences the hips, spine, legs, bones, adrenals, and could affect the kidneys and intestines as well.   This is the chakra that connects us to the Earth and its energies.  Early experiences in life are imprinted on this root chakra as well as past life memories.  If a person’s root chakra is closed, or under -active, he or she may not feel grounded or safe and may experience fearfulness, lack of confidence, issues with anxieties and phobias, or feel disconnected.  They may have a poor immune system, irritable bowel syndrome, or feel generally  sluggish. They may also have trouble with finances.

When the root chakra is overactive, a person could experience feelings of anger, aggression, or frustration.  They may depend on security from others, and may not deal well with change. They may have unhealthy habits, be very controlling, greedy, or even have an overactive sex drive.

Root Chakra Healing

Balancing the chakra is the goal!  When the root chakra is balanced, one will experience stability, security, healthy boundaries and confidence.  How do you heal the root chakra?

You can begin with walking around on the Earth, stomping on the ground, or even dancing to generate a connection to the Earth energy.  Kundalini Yoga is also a popular way to bring balance to the root chakra.  Also, some oils are used in connection with healing the root chakra: sandalwood, cedar, clove, and ginger Both ways are equally as powerful and effective.

Reiki has been known to bring balance to and promote chakra healing with comfort and ease.  Reiki removes negative energies from the root chakra that prevent it from being in total balance.   To take your root chakra healing to a deeper level  you could schedule a Reiki healing session with me in person , or at a distance.  Click here to schedule a chakra healing today!

The Benefits of Using Reiki in Conjunction with Psychotherapy

reiki pittsburghReiki is a subtle stress reducing and relaxation technique that can help people who are participating in psychotherapy.  During psychotherapy session, there is much dialogue and communication between the therapist and the client.  It involves much conscious thought and verbal depiction of the symptoms that the client is experiencing.

Reiki can help the client become more in touch with the physical body and how the emotions relate to the physical symptoms.  Bringing awareness to the connection of the mind and body and how one affects the other is a very important part of the healing process.

How Reiki Helps Destress

Reiki can assist in bringing up the symptoms that a client has been experiencing so that they may work on them in a calm, relaxed atmosphere. Reiki creates a peaceful space where a client will feel more comfortable talking about and dealing with traumas, or other uncomfortable experiences that have brought them to seek help in moving forward.

Reiki naturally puts a client in a state of mindfulness where it is easier to observe and assess thoughts.  In this state, a person can detach from thoughts and realize that they are not their thoughts.  The thoughts are a result of a conditioned way of thinking due to past events.

Reiki may help the person realize that current circumstances are different and that those thoughts are rooted in the past.  Reiki helps to put the body in a relaxed state, therefore when painful memories are recalled and emotions are brought to the surface, the client can more easily and effectively process through those emotions and release the energy surrounding those memories.

Reiki Assisting with Psychotherapy

Reiki is not a substitute for psychotherapy but it absolutely helps move the therapeutic process along more quickly and comfortably.  There are always emotion and physical sensations running through the body every minute of the day, and even during sleep.  Some people feel the need to detach or run away from these sensations due to feelings of shame, embarrassment, or fear.

Some people are experiencing anger, depression, or anxiety due to chronic physical pain, therefore they attempt to detach from the body as if it were an enemy.  Turning away from these symptoms only intensifies them.  Reiki helps people to be present in the body and go with the symptoms from a loving, compassionate, kind, and peaceful way. Contact me today for a session!